Take Action — The Kennedy Commission

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Help expand affordable housing opportunities in our community. Together, we can make a difference.


Resident and Community Organizing

The Kennedy Commission recognizes the importance of engaging the community, especially underserved neighborhoods, to meaningfully participate in decision-making processes that improve the neighborhoods they live in.


Vecindario Lacy en Acción (VELA)

In 2014, the Commission received a Communities Building Initiative grant from the St. Joseph Health Foundation to work with Santa Ana residents in the Lacy neighborhood on an issue of their choice.  Lacy residents recognized the need to improve the quality of substandard housing and increase housing affordability.  Residents have since begun to identify as Vecindario Lacy en Acción (VeLA)- Lacy Neighborhood in Action.  The Commission is working with VeLA to support their efforts to improve the quality of life in the Lacy neighborhood.

For more info, please contact Cithlalli Ramirez.

THRIVE Santa Ana

High rates of poverty and lack of homeownership plague the residents of Santa Ana, making them vulnerable to the effects of gentrification and displacement. The Commission is partnering with THRIVE Santa Ana to alleviate some of these pressures by creating a Community Land Trust (CLT) that focuses on: preservation and expansion of affordable housing; community gardens and urban microfarms and; community spaces for local entrepreneurship.

For more info, please contact Cesar Covarrubias.

"Es importante participar en un grupo como VeLA, porque en la union esta la fuerza. Nuestra participación es clave para ver cambio en nuestro vecindario. "

"It is important to participate in a group like VeLA, because there is strength in unity. Our participation is key to see change in our neighborhood." 

- Idalia Rios, VeLA Member

Local Affordable Housing and Land-Use Advocacy

The Kennedy Commission actively participates with local government entities in the development and implementation of strategies that guides community growth and residential development such as Housing Elements, General Plan and Specific Plan updates. Through the development of these plans, the Commission advocates for effective policies and programs to ensure the affordable housing needs of lower income households are met.

For more info, please contact Cesar Covarrubias.

Support Santa Ana’s Rent Stabilization & Renters’ Rights Act!

With renters struggling with housing affordability and raising rents, Santa Ana residents are asking for tenant protections and rent relief. The City of Santa Ana’s Rent Stabilization and Renters' Rights Act would establish residential rent control restrictions and just cause eviction protections for all renters in the City.


Support the Orange County Affordable Housing and Homelessness Bond!

Orange County is in the midst of an affordable housing and homelessness crisis and the SOLUTION IS AFFORDABLE HOUSING! The Kennedy Commission, in collaboration with stakeholders, seeks the Orange County Board of Supervisors to place a $900 million housing bond on the ballot. The bond would provide:

  • Permanent supportive housing for the homeless currently living on Orange County’s streets, riverbeds, and parks;

  • Housing assistance for veterans, seniors, and disabled persons currently at risk of homelessness;

  • Affordable housing opportunities to help hard-working low and moderate-income families stay in their communities;

  • Matching funds needed to help Orange County be eligible for additional state and federal funds for new construction and the preservation of existing affordable housing.

Listen to Cesar Covarrubias’ Voice of OC podcast Does OC Need a Housing Bond?

Does OC Need a Housing Bond?
Cesar Covarrubias

If you would like to participate and be engaged in the discussion, please contact Cesar Covarrubias.


Statewide Affordable Housing Advocacy


With recent proposed federal budget cuts to affordable housing resources, the need for more funding and resources at the state level is urgent and greater than ever. The Kennedy Commission has partnered with organizations such as Housing California and the California Housing Consortium, to focus on legislation that will increase resources for the development of affordable housing.

If you would like to participate and be engaged in the discussion, please contact Cesar Covarrubias.

Federal Affordable Housing Advocacy


The Kennedy Commission educates and advocates on Federal funding and programs for affordable housing. Our priorities are to ensure that the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, HUD Housing Vouchers and HOME/CDBG funds continue to be valuable resources to expand affordable housing opportunities.

Want to learn more about the latest Federal Affordable Housing Initiatives? Contact Cesar Covarrubias.

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