6:00 PM18:00

Costa Mesa HE Meeting (Districts 4, 5, and 6)

The City of Costa Mesa will be holding virtual district-specific meetings to continue the discussion on the future of housing in your district. The focus of these interactive workshops is to learn about each district’s unique opportunities and challenges from community members who experience these areas every day.

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6:00 PM18:00

Costa Mesa HE Meeting (Districts 1, 2, and 3)

The City of Costa Mesa will be holding virtual district-specific meetings to continue the discussion on the future of housing in your district. The focus of these interactive workshops is to learn about each district’s unique opportunities and challenges from community members who experience these areas every day.

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6:00 PM18:00

County of Orange Housing Element Community Workshop

The County is inviting community members to participate in a community workshop to learn more about the Housing Element Update, including the County of Orange’s existing and projected housing needs, identification of sites for new housing, and potential housing strategies. There will be opportunities to ask questions, share ideas, and provide input.

Please RSVP to Ochousing@ocpw.ocgov.com by Friday, February 12, 2021 no later than 5:00pm. A Zoom link will be provided shortly after we receive your email to attend the meeting.

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HHROC Presentation: How the h*%# did we get here? - Affordable Housing in OC
7:00 PM19:00

HHROC Presentation: How the h*%# did we get here? - Affordable Housing in OC

Orange County faces the biggest challenges in terms of housing affordability compared to most of America.  There are growing numbers of those in poverty and homelessness.  Building new units for low-wage earners needs to be a top priority.  How did we get to this place? What efforts were successful and not successful that we can learn from?   

Come hear housing experts Mary Ann Gaido, Planning Commissioner of the City of Irvine; Cesar Covarrubias, Executive Director of the Kennedy Commission facilitated by Maya Dunne, former Director of the OC Fair Housing Council and former Director of Policy for the Los Angeles Housing Department for this engaging session on how we got to today and what lessons can help us move forward. 

This session will be hosted by Housing is a Human Right OC.

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 880 0333 2889 Passcode: 326102

One tap mobile +16699006833,,88003332889#,,,,*326102# US (San Jose)

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HELPR Parcel Tool Training for Housing Advocates
9:30 AM09:30

HELPR Parcel Tool Training for Housing Advocates

SCAG has created a mapping tool ("HELPR") to assist in identifying sites for future housing development. This tool can also be helpful to housing advocates in evaluating sites included in cities' housing element inventory. SCAG staff member Kevin Kane will provide advocates with an overview and demonstration on how to use this tool https://maps.scag.ca.gov/helpr/

Training hosted by People for Housing OC in coalition with Kennedy Commission and other OC housing advocacy orgs.


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