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Webinar: HCD's 2019 Housing for Healthy California NOFA

Workshops are designed to assist applicants in understanding the new NOFA, and preparation of the applications. Presentation will go over at a high level information pertaining to each of the two articles in this NOFA. Article I geared towards Developers/Non-Profits , will be addressed in the morning and Article II geared towards Counties, in the afternoon around the noon time frame. It will also include walking through the Universal and Supplemental applications. Time after the presentation is reserved for technical assistance support and/or project questions.

Host: ATT HCD-1

Meeting number:733 153 896

Meeting password:mNJDQF2s

Meeting link:

Audio connection:1-877-336-1829 (US) Call-in toll-free number

Acccess Code: 263 657 5